bragging on Ginny

alright.  I am going to brag on my child.

It is going to be sickeningly sweet and gushy.  If you don’t want to read it you don’t have to.  But I’m a mom and it is good for me to occasionaly wax eloquent about my darling child.  Ask Missy over at It’sAlmostNaptime.  This was her idea.  and I like it.

If you don’t already know, my adorable 7 month old girl, her name is Ginny.  Actually it’s Virginia Altie Aspen Gerard Russell.  Her name story is long and has a lot to do with our wanting to honor the wishes of her birth parents.

so here’s my Ginny

on a recent camping trip

on a recent camping trip

and my favorite photo of her so far in life

five months old

five months old

Yes, she is almost always that cheerful.  And just to add some perspective she was sick with RSV when we took that photo.

I have the worlds most cheerful baby.

When I wake her up in the morning she laughs at me.

When I sing to her she giggles and hums along (not on key of course, but she is only 7 months old after all).

She loves restaurants.  People watching is her second favorite skill, next to napping in public. The child has never once given us any trouble in a restaurant.

She pays attention in church.  okay, I know Ginny is not actually listening to the sermons, but she sits up, at full attention, and gazes at the pastor while he talks, and the choir when they sing.  Oh and she has already done all of Beth Moore’s Daniel Bible Study.  Okay, she attended, but never did any homework.

Ginny loves her daddy.  She goes to him with squeals of glee.  He is an incredibly entertaining person in his own right, but nothing he ever did before was so worth watching as the times he lavishes on Ginny. (I guess I’ve kinda wandered into “bragging on my hubby” here, but I’m sure Missy will forgive me)

She is friendly.  I can’t hand her off to just anyone to hold, but she bestows her biggest smiles on just about anyone who says “Hi!” to her.  This child is gifted in the hospitality department.  I mean, just look at this smile:

happy baby

happy baby

She thinks things through.  I can almost see her thinking sometimes.  Especially when confronted with something new.  She stops and examines things with a sober look on her little face that is absolutely endearing.

figuring out her play gym

figuring out her play gym

Before Ginny came to live with us seven months ago I was frankly worried about mommy-hood, but now that I know Ginny, I’m no longer worried. I’ve got the worlds easiest, most cheerful baby.

thank you Jesus and thank you Mel & Steve for this incredible gift.

3 thoughts on “bragging on Ginny

  1. What a sweet and wonderful post!

    Well she is a sweet and wonderful Girl. And God has one for you too. I promise. There is a life out there somewhere that you will get to bless as Mommy. Just keep trusting God. He knows what He is doing and it is greater than anything you or I could imagine.


  2. Oh. My. Gosh.

    Ok, number one, 7 months old??? How can that BE???

    And number two, MORE NAKED PICTURES PLEASE!! Those chubby wubby thighs will not last!! Must show them off more!!!

    Oh Ginny, I cannot wait to meet you!!!

    I promise to give you more notice next time we are gonna be in Texas.


  3. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the pictures. This is one of the wonderful gifts of motherhood. I know the feeling of the happy,easy baby. Alex was that way- I think God gives us easy babies b/c He knows us so well and as it says in the Bible that He does not give us more than we can handle. Of course, He knows us better than we know ourselves and what He thinks we can handle, we may not agree with- learning that with my fibromyalgia. Enjoy this stage, every day of it- you don’t get it back. And remember, at some point there will be challenges with her, it’s inevitable. That is when you look back on these days and cherish them and remember that your child comes with the good and the bad. My sons are 11 and 9 and Lily is almost 5 and I can also wax eloquent about my kids- never lose that ability b/c as they get older, the cuteness may not always be there- but it always returns which again is a gift from God. I love ya honey and am so proud of you and what you have accomplished with your daughter. Just a piece of advice- Keep broadening her horizons and giving her every chance to find her own self. It starts now and will never end. She will need your guidance. She may not always like what you do for her but know it is the best for her. Start now in helping her find her independence and strength- with one comes the other. This is true for any child, boy or girl.


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