11 months

Time for the monthly update.

Ginny is 11 months old (actually she will be one on Aug 29th, but whose counting?) and so far I have managed to do a photo post for each month.

Ginny is walking by holding on to objects and using one hand to hold on to an adult.  She is starting to self feed, but not enthusiastic about it.  Ginny kind of knows who mommy is.  Meaning that she has stopped using the word “mommy” to mean any comfort object and is starting to use it to refer to mostly me and sometimes Martin. And she actually responds to instructions.  “put that here” and “no” or “be gentle”

We have taken photos of her with her teddy bear MAK every month since birth.  This month was a bit more challenging.  We wanted to get her standing up next to the bear so the contrast was really clear.  But neither Ginny nor MAK really wanted to cooperate.  Here is the result:

trying to get the bear to stand up, and keep Ginny balanced was a challenge

trying to get the bear to stand up, and keep Ginny balanced was a challenge

mostly she wanted to cuddle

mostly she wanted to cuddle

or wander around...

or wander around...

more cuddling

more cuddling

the closest we got to having Ginny and MAK standing in the same photo

the closest we got to having Ginny and MAK standing in the same photo

We will try again some other time.  Of course the whole project will be easier when Ginny can stand on her own.

But you can clearly see the height difference now.  Ginny is 29 inches tall and weighs 20 pounds.  She started out at birth weighing 5 pounds 1 ounce and measuring 17 inches.

way to grow baby girl! we love you.

and p.s. See Mel? I do sometimes get caught on camera!

2 thoughts on “11 months

  1. Awwww. She is getting soooo big!!!!

    I know! Do you remember when that bear was taller than she was? I looked back at photos from when she was born the other day and it is just amazing to me. She doesn’t seem bigger to me, till I look back.
    Thank you again and again for this incredible gift you have given us. God Bless you dear one.


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