really first day of school

okay.  Thursday should have been titled “School orientation” not first day of school.

I discovered the difference today.

Thursday I got to go in with Ginny and play on the floor.

Thursday was only for an hour and I got to stay with Ginny.

Thursday we got to follow her around her classroom with a camera like paparazzi (or completely crazed first-time-parents)


Today we had to walk her to her door and barely got a chance to snap three quick photos before she was off to play….

Today she didn’t look back.

Today I had to walk away and not check back in on her.  There is no one-way viewing window here like there is in her nursery.  I had to go four hours without knowing if my Ginny was having a good day, or was having a meltdown or something in between.

Today Martin had to practically wrestle me to the car to get me to leave her.  I hadn’t thought it would be so hard to do.  I knew I was coming back very shortly.  I knew she was in good hands.  I’ve left her with my mom for 8 or more hours at a time, why was this so difficult?

then it hit me – I can’t call.  I can’t check.  I can’t call the director of the school and have her go poke her head into Ginny’s classroom whenever I feel like I need an update.

I guess I have to grow up now.  ick.

Anyway, here are photos from Ginny’s first actual day at the Early Learning Program

bye mommy......I'm going THIS way

bye mommy......I'm going THIS way

sweet baby girl....can't I have one more hug?

sweet baby girl....can't I have one more hug?

learning to share

learning to share

We got a great report when we came back to get Ginny.  She didn’t have any conflict issues, or separation issues.  She ate her snack and her lunch.  She was happy to see us.  There is at least one other adopted child in her class, which is very good news.  And…the teachers said that Ginny spent a fair amount of time trying to comfort the other kids who were upset.  She patted them on their backs and made cheerful sounding chatter at them.

Isn’t that sweet?

and best of all – Ginny was super tired and CUDDLY for the rest of the day.  So I got lots of huggses and ticklins in to make up for being deprived all morning.

6 thoughts on “really first day of school

  1. Wow a walking girl. Hope she did fine her first day. I’ve just had my grandson here. What a momentous moment. The next generation. Love to you three. Betsy


  2. Sweetheart, I really needed to see your precious girl today. Thanks so much for the beautiful distraction. She is really adorable. Love to all of you on this momentous day.

    Aunt Juanita


  3. It is so hard to leave your kid at school, but it will get better. I did the walk into the room thing, then stand at the door, pretty soon he got out of the car and didn’t even kiss me goodbye. Just so you know it is still hard at 13.
    Love to the three of you.
    Aunt Sherry


  4. Hey Deirdre!:)

    Aww, that is so sweet that Ginny was such a good girl:) She sounds like a total sweetheart baby girl:)



  5. Hey Deirdre,

    I am doing ok. I think my pregnancy hormones are starting to sabotage me though. I’ve had better times. I have a whole bunch I’m working through right now and I want to make sure that my mind is in the right place, dwelling on uplifting scripture. Pray for me please. I need to not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. I need a healthy mind and heart.




  6. Yeah, it is hard. And every kid is different. And she will learn stuff that “strangers” taught her-or scarier,other little kids taught her.

    Today Solvi learned to chew gum. While we were impressed at how well she did-no swallowing, no spitting it out in an inconvenient place, and not getting it in her hair- none of us would have chosen for her to learn this skill at this age. We don’t know what kind of gum it was, wether it was sugar or free, etc.

    Being a parent is about letting go and realizing that the WORLD is going to get involved in raising your child. From now on, you will have less and less knowledge and control over how she spends each day, what she learns, and from whom. Which is a very scary thought!

    URGH! Clearly I need to get back to building that moat and bailey……..


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